Look Around You, The One World Religion Of Chrislam As Described In Your King James Bible Is Assembling Right Now

Look Around You, The One World Religion Of Chrislam As Described In Your King James Bible Is Assembling Right Now by Geoffrey GriderĀ for Now The End Begins

The One World Religion is a tripartite creation, composed of Judaism, Islam and Roman Catholicism. Look around you right now, is there anywhere in the world you see those three things coming together?

The other day we brought you a stunning exclusive on the amazing amount of progress so far on the Abrahamic Family House being built in Abu Dhabi. As most of your know, this will be the headquarters for the One World Religion being put together by Pope Francis in Rome and Mohamed bin Zayed in the United Arab Emirates. Funny thing, when you look into your Bible for the end times, the two main characters are someone called the Assyrian, and a place called Mystery Babylon.

ā€œAndĀ they worshippedĀ the dragonĀ whichĀ gaveĀ powerĀ unto the beast:Ā andĀ they worshippedĀ the beast,Ā saying,Ā WhoĀ is likeĀ unto the beast?Ā whoĀ is ableĀ to make warĀ withĀ him? AndĀ there was givenĀ unto himĀ a mouthĀ speakingĀ great thingsĀ andĀ blasphemies;Ā andĀ powerĀ was givenĀ unto himĀ to continueĀ fortyĀ and two months.ā€ Revelation 13:4,5 (KJB)

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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we show you the entire panoply of the One World Religion of Chrislam that be the global church of the end times. The Tribulation Saints will not be part of it, they will be the outcasts who refuse the Mark of the Beast, and remain locked outside the economic and financial system. In your King James Bible, you will see three important things to keep in mind as we study this part of prophecy. The first thing is that the Antichrist is half Jew and Muslim, the second thing is that Revelation 17 and 18 show you the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican, respectively. And that shows you that, thirdly, the One World Religion is a tripartite creation, composed of Judaism, Islam and Roman Catholicism. Look around you right now, is there anywhere in the world you see those three things coming together? Thatā€™s a trick question, donā€™t answer it, and please join us for this live NTEB ā€˜Rightly Dividingā€™ King James Bible Study happening at 9PM EST Wednesday.

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