For It Is Not You That Speaks…
Is it possible the sole purpose of why most people that follow Jesus Christ, claim to be a Christian or associate themselves with a Christian church is they want to hear from God? Is it possible to hear from God? Does God speak directly to individuals? Yes, and Amen. We know God does, in fact, speak directly to individuals. We also know that God sends Angels, Messengers, to speak to us through other people.
But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. ~ Matthew 10:19-20 KJB
What we believe happens is an Angel of the Lord sends a message to the Holy Spirit who then delivers the appropriate words or actions directly to us or to someone that is in our sphere at the exact moment in which we need to hear or experience what the Angel has shared. We have experienced this in our own life on a number of occasions. You may have as well.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” ~ John 10:27 KJB
Our Christ Identity is how we can hear directly from God. In that moment when our “hair-is-on-fire” or our”backside-is-falling-off” we are in a moment of desperation and need God like we normally don’t need Him. When we reach the point of no return and God is all we have we get real, we get serious about what is real and we turn to God because we have nothing left, we have no where nor anyone to turn. If a person doesn’t believe that God speaks directly to people think about the last time life crumbled to this degree. If it has never happened, after the dusts settles and you can breathe once again, while your recounting the events it will become quiet clear what happened, who was speaking and the precise Words that were “spoken” will be burned into your heart, mind and soul.
This is what we are all looking for in our life. We want to know there is, in fact, a Living God, that speaks, that is watching over our lives and will step in at just the right moment. We have to know Him, seek Him first in prayer and our thoughts. Ask Him first for His will to be done and then do it. Knock, first, upon the door of His Wisdom, the Mind of Christ, then follow the process and execute what we are given. It’s not hard nor complicated.
Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.