This Big Development in China Is Setting Up the World for the Mark of the Beast by Gordon RobertsonĀ for CBN News
Have you ever wondered about the passageĀ in the Bible about a government restricting the population so that you cannot buy or sell unless you have a particular mark? Well, China’s move toward a cashless society is the answer. This is where the entire world is literally being set up for that kind of government control.
The Chinese government is pushing ahead on many fronts to restrict what its population can and cannot do. They already restrict the right of assembly. They already restrict religious freedom. They certainly restrict political speech. And any speech that is critical of their governmentĀ (and the way they run things) is definitely cracked down on.
All you have to do is look at what’s happened in Hong Kong over the past just two years and you get a very clear picture of where they’re going. But they want to control, and they’re doing it right now with social credit scoring where if you don’t score a particular way you’re not allowed to travel. That’s already in place.
But just imagine a government that if you step out of line they can now turn off all your money and do it instantly so you cannot buy or sell, you don’t have the right in the marketplace to participate anymore.
That’s what digital currency allows a government to do. And if you think it’s just going to happen in China think again. The Federal Reserve already has a study group looking at a digital currency for the United States. Why are they doing that? Because they’re afraid China will usurp the U.S. and become the world currency, that digital currency is taking over.
So you see all the action happening in the stock markets, the various markets for Bitcoin and other digital currencies, their rapid rise and people becoming overnight millionaires, billionaires based on the value of these digital currencies, and so the Federal Reserve wants to get in on that action to protect the U.S. Dollar as the world currency.