Christianity is the Only Way Forward in Modern Politics

Christianity is the Only Way Forward in Modern Politics by Jack Gavin for Ave Post GNN Note – The sexual deviants and the abortion crowd are, literally, silencing their own voice with their lifestyle choices. Christian conservatives will dominate because the leftist, same sex (no reproduction) and abortion (no explanation needed) don’t have children of their own to indoctrinate into their evil scam. This is the ONLY REASON they are attacking children in public schools. / END There is a struggle for the soul of the Republican Party and it’s necessary…


Women harmed by transgender surgeries share their stories in new film ‘The Detransition Diaries’

Women harmed by transgender surgeries share their stories in new film ‘The Detransition Diaries’ by Matt Lamb for Life Site News A new film will expose the actual harms to people who take transgender drugs or mutilate their bodies. Help brave therapist being attacked by Southern Poverty Law Center: LifeFunder (LifeSiteNews) – A new film from The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network (CBCN) will highlight the harms of chemical and genital mutilation of gender dysphoric individuals and tell the stories of people who have “detransitioned” after living as a gender-confused…


Idaho Gov Vows to Defend Pro-Life Law After Justice Department Files ‘Politically Motivated’ Lawsuit

Idaho Gov Vows to Defend Pro-Life Law After Justice Department Files ‘Politically Motivated’ Lawsuit by Andrea Morris for CBN News The U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday filed a lawsuit challenging Idaho’s law banning most abortions, which is set to take effect on Aug 25. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland claims the measure violates federal law and says it stands in the way of “providing stabilizing care and treatment to anyone who needs it.” “On the day Roe and Casey were overturned, we promised that the Justice Department would work tirelessly…


The impact of beauty

The impact of beauty by Claire Musters for Christian Today Our heavenly Father is a creative being – the one who spoke the universe into existence just by opening his mouth and uttering creative commands. The vast array of flora and fauna, of creatures and landscapes, reflect his nature. So much around us is beautiful – indescribably so – and yet how often do we take the time to appreciate it? In a culture that idolises beauty, and can make both women and men feel ‘less than’ if they don’t match…


Are We Heading Toward a Tsunami of Antimicrobial Resistance?

Are We Heading Toward a Tsunami of Antimicrobial Resistance? by Tessa Lena for Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Health authorities and the World Economic Forum predict that millions of people will be dying from superbugs every year by 2050 According to the WEF, antimicrobial resistance is a “looming health catastrophe that could be more deadly than COVID-19” They are calling for a new “subscription model” as a solution and a “political intervention to reconstruct the market and make the development, production of and marketing antibiotics profitable again” While there is no reason to…


Tolerant Left: Woman Reportedly Hurls Expletives, Beats Pro-Life Teen Going Door-to-Door in Kansas: ‘I Hope You Get Raped’

Tolerant Left: Woman Reportedly Hurls Expletives, Beats Pro-Life Teen Going Door-to-Door in Kansas: ‘I Hope You Get Raped’ By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire A pro-life teenager was allegedly attacked Sunday by an adult woman while going door-to-door attempting to gather support for a Tuesday vote to remove abortion from the Kansas state constitution. Grace Hartsock, 18, was reportedly followed outside of a home by an angry resident who pushed her and purportedly hit her in the head with closed fists, Fox News reported. Moments before the purported assault, Hartsock was…