10,000% Increase in Cancers Following COVID-19 Vaccines as Doctors and Scientists Worldwide Sound the Alarm by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
Rates of cancer have exploded following the COVID-19 mass vaccination programs, with doctors and scientists all over the world now sounding the alarm.
Just today a reader contacted us with the following tragic story:
Subject: Cancer after Pfizer vaccine
My husband prior to the vaccine was fit and healthy, strong, active. We both had the vaccination on 12.11.2021. about 10 hours kater we spitted first swollen node in his left armpit. Doctors ignored the symptom. Then second node, third… With 6 swollen nodes he was diagnosed with Mantle cell lymphoma. He’s during very aggressive chemotherapy called Nordic regime. He’s only 36 in May, so he was 35 when it all has started. MCL affects people after 60 usually.
Before the vaccination our children brought from school many different viruses, from common flu, tummy bug, chicken pox, ear infections to covid.
My husband was totally fine that time. His immune system worked brilliantly during September and October when me and our daughters suffered from mentioned diseases. He was working and taking care of us at that time. If he would have MCL then he wouldn’t be able to fight all these viruses. Everything has changed within the hours from the first dose of Pfizer.
At first my husband was ignored by GP as he claimed it was typical side effect which should disappear. When more nodes started swilling gp still claimed we should wait yet in January my husband was advised not to have second dose of the vaccination due to the side effects.
In March I requested blood test to check whether it was cancer. Results returned completely fine. I immediately booked next blood test. Also returned completely fine. So without hesitation I booked appointment with go but this time I asked for different gp. During this appointment my husband was referred for ultrasound scan. From there to cancer clinic. 3 days later biopsy took place. Couple if days later we learnt the diagnosis mantle cell lymphoma.
At this stage we were told it has nothing to do with the vaccination, yet for months we were expected to wait for side effects to disappear.
Also, if the cancer is not in connection to vaccinate then how come my husband survived the 8 waves if different diseases starting from September ? In August we spent holidays in Scotland. Lots of walking and driving. My husband was in a very good shape.
Let me say it again, prior to the vaccination my husband was strong, fit, active and healthy.
Our life as a family has been literally ruined.
We cannot go anywhere, we can’t work, my husband us to weak, I have to care for him now and children. We are facing financial difficulties heading to a place where we won’t be able to cover winter bills.
MCL is incurable. Only treatable.
If we are lucky, we may be back to temporary normality by March/April 2023. MCL comes back. Noone knows when. Second time it hits stronger…
We can’t take girls for holidays, we can’t mix with other people as my husband’s immune system is compromised. I am on standby all the time as I may need to take him to hospital in emergency like it happened already. Most of days we travel to hospital anyway. Sometimes even twice a day.
I have never returned to myself after COVID and vaccination. Before I was very active and fit. Now Im not even at 50% of what I used to be.
Our children will never be vaccinated!
I did a search in the U.S. government Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) to see how many cases of the most common cancers had been reported following COVID-19 vaccines, and it returned a result of 837 cases of cancer, including 88 deaths, 66 permanent disabilities, and 104 life threatening events. (Source.)
And this not an exhaustive list, as I tried to include ALL cancers listed in VAERS, but the database could not handle the query.
I listed the cases by age, and of the 837 cases, 375 of them had no recorded age, although often the age can be found in the description.
So I put those 375 cases on the first page of the results, and starting on the second page you can see how young some of these cancer patients are following COVID-19 vaccines. (Source.)