The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Releases Video Strongly Indicating Their Willingness To Shoot Down Nancy Pelosi’s Plane If It Goes To Taiwan

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Releases Video Strongly Indicating Their Willingness To Shoot Down Nancy Pelosi’s Plane If It Goes To Taiwan by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has issued another warning to Nancy Pelosi ahead of her expected trip to Taiwan with a video simulating a missile strike, aircraft carriers advancing and fighter jets in formation – and a stern warning from state media.

What Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and the ‘failing and flailing’ Democrats need right now more than anything else is a really, good distraction. The American people, so easily deceived and led down the garden path due to their short attention span, need to be distracted from gas prices, Bidenflation, and the ‘technical recession’ Democrats say doesn’t exist. So since monkeypox hasn’t distracted too many people, try though they may, maybe having Nancy Pelosi shot out of the sky by the Read Army will do the trick. At the very least, it’s a pretty good distraction.

“Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?” Isaiah 60:8 (KJB)

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One one hand, it’s not overly likely that China will shoot Nancy Pelosi out of the sky, but then again, former Democratic National Committee head Ron Brown didn’t think he was booked on a one-way flight, either. We live in an age and time where literally anything is possible. Global lockdowns? Sure. Forced injections of citizens? Yep, we got that. Digital ID? On it’s way. Nancy Pelosi? If the New World Order decides that their cause is better served with her plane blown to pieces, you can bet the farm it will be.

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has issued another warning to Nancy Pelosi ahead of potential trip

FROM DAILY MAIL UK: The video was posted on WeChat on Monday morning following reports the U.S. House Speaker will arrive in Taipei on Tuesday night – despite Beijing warning they could shoot her plane down and launch a military response.

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