How to CURE a porn addiction? Video
What a porn addiction is?
A pornography addiction, is an addiction where someone compulsively engages in sexual activity with the usage of porn. The word compulsively is key here. It means: performing an action persistently and repetitively without it necessarily leading to an actual reward or pleasure. And this touches on the problem.
Is porn addiction a classified addiction?
Although there seem to be extreme cases of “porn addiction”, Porn addiction itself is medically neither classified as a mental disorder nor an addiction in the DSM-5 or ICD-11. Which both are extremely important classification manuals.
Tips and tricks:
– Get rid of all your porn.
– Break your habit loop. If you feel the urge to watch porn, replace it with something else you like to do.
– You could instal blocking software on all your digital devices.
– Enabling your computers Parental controls.
– Get an accountability partner. Someone you report to if you have a slip-up.
If you tried all these tips, but still can’t overcome your porn addiction it might be time to contact a mental health professional.
They can possibly start cognitive-behavioral therapy or acceptance and commitment therapy. Both have been shown to be potentially effective treatments. But more research needs to be done to provide conclusive evidence.