Birx admits she and Fauci made up “the science” on social distancing, lockdowns by: Ethan Huff for Natural News
Just about everything that was forced on Americans throughout the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemiccame from “science” that Deborah Birx says she and Tony Fauci made up on the fly.
Birx recently wrote a book that contains numerous admissions about the crimes she committed while working as Donald Trump’s Covid-19 Task Force adviser, one of them being that social distancing and lockdowns needed just “two weeks to stop the spread.”
Birx and Fauci pulled these ideas out of their behinds, not from any actual science like the duo originally claimed. Furthermore, Birx now admits that she lied to the former president about what was needed in order to “flatten the curve.”
“No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of the two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend,” Birx boasts in her memoir, which fully incriminates her. (Related: Birx also tampered with CDC data and hid information from the Trump administration.)
Since she knows that there is no more justice left in America, Birx is apparently unphased without a care in the world concerning her admissions. After all, when was the last time a corrupt government official was held accountable for committing crimes against humanity?
“So that 15 days to slow the spread was just a sneaky way to get their hooks into us so they could lock us down for longer,” said Fox News‘ Jesse Water in a recent segment about Birx and Fauci’s crimes against humanity.
“And if you dared to leave your house, Birx told us, the only way to stay safe was to social distance.”
You can watch the Waters segment below:
Dr. Birx ADMITS her and Fauci LIED to Trump and America about how to stop COVID— They ALTERED the reports?!
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 20, 2022
Dr. Peter McCullough says “scarf lady” Birx committed scientific fraud and misled the president
Birx and Fauci spun a number of lies throughout the plandemic that cost people their jobs, their livelihoods and in many cases their lives, which makes them complicit in mass murder.
The American people suffered greatly under the arbitrary policies of Birx and Fauci, who relied not on science but on their own delusions and fantasies in crafting policy throughout the manufactured crisis.
“I had settled on 10 (feet) knowing that even that was too many, but I figured that ten would at least be palatable for most Americans,” Birx nonchalantly writes in her book about how she came up with her social distancing number.
On Twitter, Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, who has been outspokenly opposed to all the restrictions throughout the plandemic, wrote that Birx, whom he and many others call the “scarf lady,” committed serious scientific fraud and misled Trump throughout his tenure.
McCullough says that Americans were forced by Birx and Fauci “into unnecessary lockdowns and restrictions based on the false presumption that the virus spread among healthy people (asymptomatic spread),” a concept that was disproven by actual scientists who looked into the matter independently.
“They cost our country trillions of dollars and they made it up?” asked someone who reads Zero Hedge about the economic impact of Birx and Fauci’s impositions.
“Well, at least the trust has been irreparably damaged now,” responded another about how nobody trusts the American government anymore. “There’s no going back.”
“The few braindead folks still volunteering to wear a mask are either beyond help or are just doing it as a retarded political statement … Always remember it was always about getting that ‘vaccine’ pumped into as many people as possible. Now we are seeing the effects of that.”