Blinded by Science! by Robert W Malone MD, MSĀ – SubStack
CDC and FDA claim that the effects of the COVID mRNA vax on reproductive health are rare. They lied.
The effect of BNT162b2 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine on menstrual cycle symptoms in healthy women
Objective: To investigate the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine on women’s menstural cycle.
Methods: In this questionnaire-based cross-sectional study, we assessed menstrual pattern and changes of women who completed the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine three months before and after receiving the vaccine. Included were women aged 18-50 without known gynecological comorbidities who regularly monitor their menstruation through electronic calendars. All participants competed a detailed questionnaire on their menstrual symptoms including information on any irregular bleeding. To minimize bias, each woman served as a self-control before and after vaccination. Primary outcome was rate of irregular bleeding following vaccination and secondary outcome was presence of any menstrual change, including irregular bleeding, mood changes or dysmenorrhea following the vaccine.
Results: A total of 219 women met the inclusion critieria. Of them, 23.3% (n=51) experienced irregular bleeding following the vaccine. Almost 40% (n=83) of study participants reported any menstrual change following vaccination. Parity was positively associated with irregular bleeding with 50% (n=26) of those suffering from irregular bleeding being multiparous as compared to only 31.5% (n=53) of women with no irregular bleeding (nulliparous 46% vs 60%, multiparous 50% vs 31%, rest 4% vs 8%, p=0.049). The presence of medical comorbidities was also significantly higher among patients who experienced irregular bleeding (20.0% vs 6.0%, p=0.003).
Conclusion: Our study shows relatively high rates of irregular bleeding and menstrual changes after receiving the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine. Further research is needed to confirm our findings and to better characterize the magnitude of change and any possible long term implications.
Results from the Full Article:
All participants completed the two-dose series of the BNT161b2 mRNA vaccine with a mean interval of 22.1Ā±5.1 days between doses. Distribution of baseline menstrual characteristics is shown in Table 2.
The average menstrual cycle length before the vaccine was 29.4Ā±7.6 days with duration of menses of 5.0Ā±1.3 days.
Of the 219 women who participated in the study, 23.3 % (n=51) experienced irregular bleeding following the vaccine. Of them, 39.2% (n=20) and 60.8% (n=31) reported irregular bleeding after the first and second dose of the SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine, respectively.
Of the 51 women who experienced irregular bleeding, 66.7% (n=34) reported irregular bleeding that preceded their estimated menstrual date (mean 9.9 Ā± 3.0 days) and 33.3% (n=17) reported a delay in their expected menstrual date (mean 12.3Ā±6.3 days). Irregular bleeding was reported as light in its severity in 47% (n=24), moderate in 21.6% (n=11) and heavy in 31.4% (n=16). Among those who reported irregular bleeding, 31.4 % (n=16) reported persisted irregular bleeding duri ng the three-month period following vaccination, whereas 68.6% (n=35) reported a transient change which did not continue throughout the study period. Thirty-seven percent (n=83) of study participants reported any menstrual change (including irregular bleeding, mood changes or dysmenorrhea) following vaccination.
Nearly 68% (n=55) of study participants reported dysmenorrhea following vaccination. Amongst them, 47.3% (n=26) reported new-onset dysmenorrhea or increase in the severity of pre-existing dysmenorrhea.
Other menstrual symptoms were reported by 55.5% (n=45) of study participants after receiving the vaccine, including: abdominal pain (n=24); pelvic pain (n=11); appearance of new acne (n=11); breast tenderness (n=4); hot flushes (n=1).
Mood changes associated with menstruation after the vaccine (that were not reported before the vaccine) were reported by 9.6% (n=21) of women.
Covid-19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors
Andrology, 17 June 2022
In a retrospective, longitudinal, multicenter study publishedĀ in Andrology, the effects of the COVID-19 BNT162b2 vaccine on semen parameters were assessed in 37 semen donors at different time points before and after vaccination. A selective decrease in sperm concentration and total motile count was reported 75ā125 days after vaccination (Pā=ā0.01 and Pā=ā0.007, respectively) compared with pre-vaccination levels. Normal levels of these parameters were recovered ā„145 days post-vaccination.