The German government admits hundreds of thousands of people have had severe side effects following mRNA shots by Alex Berenson – SubStack
The risk-benefit of the Covid vaccines is getting worse and worse and worse
This morning, the German Federal Ministry of Health posted a stunning tweet, admitting that 1 out of every 5,000 Covid jabs cause “serious side effects.”
This figure is likely a sharp underestimate, given the fact that side effect reporting systems for drugs and vaccines are largely voluntary.
Nonetheless, it implies that almost 300,000 Americans and Europeans have suffered severe side effects after receiving mRNA shots from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. (It is unclear whether the German side effect estimate applied to Covid vaccines from India and China, which use older technologies and are largely unused in wealthier countries, aside from China.)
(If you can’t trust the Bundesgesundheitsministerium, who can you trust?)
Health authorities now acknowledge that the mRNA vaccines do not stop Covid infection or transmission and likely have no preventative value against the Omicron variant within months. Thus their risk-benefit profile appears increasingly absurd, especially because Omicron is notably less dangerous than earlier Covid variants to everyone, vaccinated or not.
These Covid jabs are not cancer drugs, where patients and physicians will tolerate severe side effects. They are not even influenza jabs – at this point they are even less effective and far more dangerous.