The Capitol Police rebel against the DOJ’s failure to prosecute the ‘Colbert Nine’

The Capitol Police rebel against the DOJ’s failure to prosecute the ‘Colbert Nine’ By Andrea Widburg for American Thinker

On Monday, the Department of Justice announced that it would not prosecute the nine Stephen Colbert employees (the “Colbert Nine”) who had been wandering around the Capitol building unescorted. This was a huge slap in the face to every single January 6 defendant who was imprisoned and prosecuted for “parading” or otherwise trespassing in the Capitol. By Wednesday, perhaps tired of looking like weaklings and fools since January 6, the Capitol Police pushed back, making it plain that the DOJ misleadingly described what the Colbert Nine had done, which was pretty darn egregious and very illegal. I doubt the DOJ cares but the facts are still interesting.

On January 6, people who were probably agent provocateurs from both Antifa and federal law enforcement (a) urged attendees at the Trump rally to enter the Capitol building and (b) deliberately removed all fencing and signage that would have alerted people to the fact that the grounds and building were off limits.

Additionally, for many (perhaps the majority) of those who entered the building, the Capitol police were standing at the doors welcoming people in. These same police periodically appeared on TV for the next year-and-a-half weeping about their trauma. They were an unimpressive crew.

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And of course, the FBI tracked down every single granny who walked unwittingly through the Capitol and the DOJ went after these people with avenging fury. When leftists try to deliberately burn the White House, breach the Supreme Court’s doors, or storm the Capitol, it’s a big “meh.” But when conservatives do it…well, it suddenly arises to the level of a “capital” crime (pun intended).

Just to prove once again that the Department of Justice has a double standard, the rules applied to the January 6 defendants went out the door when the Colbert Nine were arrested for trespassing in the Capitol. They were immediately released, rather than denied bail (as is the case for innumerable January 6 defendants). Then, this past Monday, the Department of Justice announced that it wouldn’t prosecute the Colbert Nine because they really hadn’t done anything wrong. They’d been invited into the Capitol, so they couldn’t be blamed for wandering around:

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