‘Not Over By a Long Shot’: Professor Maligned Over ‘Superman’ Tweet Fighting Back, Says ‘Christians Are Sick of Being Punished’

‘Not Over By a Long Shot’: Professor Maligned Over ‘Superman’ Tweet Fighting Back, Says ‘Christians Are Sick of Being Punished’ By  for Faith Wire

Author and professor Sophia Nelson is sounding the alarm on increasing intolerance against Christians, warning in a recent op-ed that “Christians are sick of being punished for their views in America.”

Nelson recently told CBN’s “Faith vs. Culture” about her own battle with cancel culture last year, when she commented on DC Comics’ plan to create a new, bisexual superhero.

“On Oct. 11 last fall, [DC Comics] announced on National Coming Out Day … they were going to have a new superhero,” she said. “And that superhero was going to be Superman and Lois Lane’s son, who was a boy, and he was going to be bisexual and have a boyfriend.”

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Nelson said she turned to social media to question how Christian parents might feel about inserting a same-sex theme in the comic book series.

“I said, ‘Oh, wait. Time out. What about Christian parents here? What if their kids are reading comic books and they don’t want them to be exposed to this?’” she said.

The precise language of the tweet read, “What if Christian parents of children reading comic books don’t want their kids exposed to bisexual characters? This is being pushed on kids. Then parents have to explain it. Most cannot!”

Nelson’s question, though, wasn’t well-received.

“It went downhill from there,” she said.

According to Nelson, who was at that point scholar-in-residence at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia, a professor allegedly turned against her — and chaos ensued.

“An openly gay, bisexual professor on my campus took my private tweet that was on my feed … and she brought it into the university,” Nelson said. “I was protested, there was a petition to remove me, I ultimately lost my position.”

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