Under the Guise of ‘Learning English,’ Boston High School Teaches Newly-Immigrated Students That Physical Violence and Political Assassinations Are a Legitimate Form of “Resisting Oppression”

Under the Guise of ‘Learning English,’ Boston High School Teaches Newly-Immigrated Students That Physical Violence and Political Assassinations Are a Legitimate Form of “Resisting Oppression” By Julian Conradson for The Gateway Pundit

The radical left has made its agenda crystal clear when it comes to education – if the classroom isn’t being used to groom children with Marxist sexual ideology, it is used as a breeding ground to train radical, obedient activists that can be used as foot soldiers.

Even Biden is wielding the full power of the executive branch to ram through this radical agenda in schools.

To put it simply education is no longer education, it’s indoctrination.

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This has long been the case on college campuses across the country, which have spearheaded the progressive movement and caused it to permeate throughout other American institutions, including down to K-12 schools.

However, one high school in Boston may have just taken the cake for the most radical form of indoctrination to date. Classroom materials from Charlestown High School’s “Sheltered English Immersion” (SEI) learning program surfaced this week showing the school is teaching foreign-born 9th- and 10th-grade students that political violence and assassination are legitimate forms of action, as part of the process of learning English.

According to The Epoch Times, which found the downloadable documents on the Boston Teacher’s Union (BTU) website, the discovery has sparked fears that some teachers are “indoctrinating these [newly-arrived, foreign-born] children to incite violence” whenever there is “perceived” oppression.

The “classroom files” of three of Charleston’s SEI teachers – Katie Li, Caitlyn Castillejo, and Caroline Smith – include “notes and assignments around oppression, resistance, and narrative structure,” as well as many “detailed note-taking sheets and powerpoints on institutional, interpersonal, and internalized oppression” – all of which can be downloaded from BTU’s website here.

As an example of what is included in the course, BTU provides a worksheet, titled “Forms of Resistance,” which instructs students to list and identify several different examples of oppression. Towards the end, it lists out several examples of what’s referred to as “peaceful protest,” including boycotts, sit-ins, and petitions – which are all legitimate forms of public demonstration. However, the list continues – without skipping a beat – by showing the student three images that portray extreme violence that’s quite similar to what we saw during the summer of George Floyd riots.

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