Oil Jumps As Biden Fails In Begging Saudis For More Oil

Oil Jumps As Biden Fails In Begging Saudis For More Oil By Michael Robison for The Gateway Pundit Oil prices surged to more than $100 a barrel on Monday after President Joe Biden left Saudi Arabia over the weekend, failing to secure a commitment from the Kingdom to boost output. Early Monday, Brent crude jumped by nearly 2.5% to around $103.50 per barrel. West Texas Intermediate, the primary US pricing benchmark, also jumped almost 2% to more than $99 a barrel. The idea of OPEC+ boosting oil supply wasn’t even presented during a weekend meeting between…


Now There Are Diversities…

Now There Are Diversities… Those of us that are in Jesus Christ are the same person. We look different, speak different and come from different homes, but we are exactly the same. We are born again in the name of Jesus Christ. We are the Body of the Saved, the church. We are one body, with different gifts. We are individual members that make the whole. We can not make it alone, we need one another to be share with one another the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that were…


Johnny Cash’s Son Reveals Dad’s Never-Before-Seen Faith Quotes, Powerful Christian Journey

Johnny Cash’s Son Reveals Dad’s Never-Before-Seen Faith Quotes, Powerful Christian Journey By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire Johnny Cash has musically inspired fans and fellow performers alike, but the late singer has also left a spiritual legacy that lives on nearly 20 years after his death. His son, John Carter Cash, is keeping the flame of his dad’s faith alive by compiling a new book titled “Walking the Line: 90 Devotions of Truth and Hope Based on the Faith of Johnny Cash.” The text is a compilation of Johnny Cash’s past…


Prayer for Mom 7/19

Prayer for Mom 7/19 Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me with my unbelief. Quiet my soul and bring rest to my troubled mind. The body aches and at times it feels as if my mind is on fire. It is only by the grace of God that peace can be found. It is only through the name of Jesus Christ the waters will calm and the Solid Rock which my life stands upon will be in placed under my feet. Heavenly Father, bring healing to Mom…


AOC Gets Roasted for Her Hypocrisy, Ridiculous Response to Saucy Heckling

AOC Gets Roasted for Her Hypocrisy, Ridiculous Response to Saucy Heckling by Will for Trending Politics GNN Note – Alex Stein is hilarious. Sandy Cortez is a fraud. She is an actress playing a role. If you’ve not seen “The Brains Behind AOC” click here / END Conservative troll and humorist Alex Stein sent AOC over the edge in a recent, hilarious video, waiting for her to walk up the steps of the Capitol and, when she appeared, complimented her keister. Watch that video and check out AOC’s deranged, furious Twitter…


Let the Spirit of Faith Arise for the Transformation of America

Let the Spirit of Faith Arise for the Transformation of America by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown We have already addressed the legal question of whether the overturning of Roecould lead to the overturning of Obergefell. And we have explained that the overturning of Roe by the Court was a matter of law, not a matter of faith. At the same time, from a spiritual perspective, the overturning of Roe was absolutely a matter of faith, which is why we thanked God for answers to prayer when the decision…


Echoes Of Ezekiel 38 – Putin Looks To Cement Ties With Iran & Turkey

Echoes Of Ezekiel 38 – Putin Looks To Cement Ties With Iran & Turkey from Prophecy News Watch Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to travel to the Middle East this week, demonstrating Russia is fully committed to countering US alliance building efforts on the global stage. Putin’s move comes on the heels of US President Joe Biden’s trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia. As the world media covers Biden’s visits to Jerusalem, Jeddah and Riyadh, Putin is set to visit Tehran on July 19. He will be joined in…


Farmed salmon as toxic as junk food and may cause diabetes and obesity, researchers claim

Farmed salmon as toxic as junk food and may cause diabetes and obesity, researchers claim By Zoey Sky for Grocery Salmon is one of the most popular seafood in the United States. It’s also a beloved superfood that is full of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. But according to a study published in the journal Alternative Medicine Review, farmed salmon is inferior to wild salmon because the former is full of chemicals and is generally less nutritious. The issue of toxic chemical contamination in fish isn’t a new problem because it dates back decades,…