Now They Are Coming For The Water…Hoover Dam explosion, fire rock tourist site, dramatic video shows

Now They Are Coming For The Water…Hoover Dam explosion, fire rock tourist site, dramatic video shows By  for New York Post

GNN Note – Food processing / distribution centers going up in flames, diesel fuel costs cutting supply lines makes food in short supply that will only get worse as the year moves forward. All by design. Now, the Hoover Dam has exploded that will cut off water to southern California, thereby, making the citizens flee all the faster and the food shortages all the worse. / END

Oh, dam!

A large explosion rocked the Hoover Dam during a tour of the facility early Tuesday, dramatic video shows.

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A clip posted to Twitter minutes after 10 a.m. local time showed a huge plume of smoke emanating from the dam along the Colorado River on the border of Nevada and Arizona.

“Touring the #hooverdam and heard an explosion #fire,” the visitor, Kristy Hairston, tweeted.

An official giving a tour of the 726-foot concrete structure told visitors to get their cellphones and cameras out to catch footage of the blast.

“There’s just been an incident here at the dam,” the guide said of the explosion and subsequent fire. “We’re going to be leaving now so we don’t get trapped in here.”

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