Johnny Cash’s Son Reveals Dad’s Never-Before-Seen Faith Quotes, Powerful Christian Journey

Johnny Cash’s Son Reveals Dad’s Never-Before-Seen Faith Quotes, Powerful Christian Journey By  for Faith Wire

Johnny Cash has musically inspired fans and fellow performers alike, but the late singer has also left a spiritual legacy that lives on nearly 20 years after his death.

His son, John Carter Cash, is keeping the flame of his dad’s faith alive by compiling a new book titled “Walking the Line: 90 Devotions of Truth and Hope Based on the Faith of Johnny Cash.”

The text is a compilation of Johnny Cash’s past spiritual quotes and never-before-seen proclamations, with his son explaining how important God and the Bible were to his dad.

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“My father’s faith was defining of who he was,” Cash told CBN’s Faithwire. “My dad fell short in many ways through his life, but he always went back to that faith. He always carried that with him no matter what, wherever he went. Everything that he did in his life, that was a foundation.”

Even when his dad erred, he said he would always “come back … full circle” on that faith, allowing it to carry him through the good and bad times.

Watch Cash discuss his dad’s Christian beliefs:

Cash described his dad and late mom, June Carter Cash, as “down-to-Earth, regular people.” Despite being larger than life on stage, he said his father had a “great sense of humility” and a wonderful sense of humor.

In the end, Cash — who had a well-known friendship with the great evangelist Billy Graham — valued the things in life that truly matter.

“The things that he stood for are … essential aspects of love and respect for family and forgiveness,” Cash said, adding that he tries in his own life to live by his dad’s examples.

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