Trending Towards The Tribulation Period: Several Indicators To Watch from Prophecy News Watch
I have been watching the convergence of the so-called signs of the times ever since someone handed me Hal Lindsey’s “Late Great Planet Earth” many years ago. The book got my attention! Since then, I am fascinated with how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled now for several decades.
The apocalypse is in the air!
But in the last few years, things are happening so quickly that observers of the times can’t keep up. It’s as though the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are now out of the barn, but they can’t make their global appearance until the Church is called Home in the Rapture. The Bible is clear that we will be with Jesus in Heaven before these riders begin their deadly trek across planet earth.
Here is a very short list of things I am noting in this year of 2022, indicating time is winding down and we will be whisked away very soon.
* We already see the formation of this coming New World Order through the U.N. and the World Economic Forum (WEF). Without firing a shot, they have gained the allegiance of most world leaders for their Marxist plans to enslave the people of the world. The globalists believe they have the means to reshape the world, according to their agenda, via the influence they have gained over the global leaders of our day. A one-world government will be birthed once the Church vacates! The players are in place.
* Three words in the Bible jumped out at me recently: “without natural affection” (2 Tim. 3:3). That happens to a final generation. But, who could have imagined today’s society celebrating the trans movement, homosexual marriage, and the slaughtering of the unborn? All of these operate “without natural affection.”