More Value Than Many Sparrows…
We should never call ourselves by the job we report to Monday through Friday. How many times in our life does someone ask “what do you do?” when they should, in fact, be asking “who are you?” Odds are if you ask someone “Who are you?”, which happens on a regular basis with the men at the Hope Center, they will respond with their vocation instead of their actual identity. Their actual identity comes from Christ. This is a key piece of knowledge in order for our children to grow up in Christ. It is a key piece of knowledge for keeping our sons out of prison and our daughters off the pole.
When were we named? When were the wheels set in motion of our identity?
Well, according to the Holy Bible, before we were in our mothers womb God stitched together our life. God knows our name, knows our identity and knows the moment we need grace before we are conceived in our mothers womb. Isn’t that good news? Isn’t that something to be excited about and something that we should spend, at least, a moment considering? Isn’t that something to share with others and oh, how easy it is to share with others! Once the door of the conversation opens people are, literally, starved for the Word, they thirst for the Living Water in ways that are impossible to describe. Yes, some resist at the beginning, but after a few minutes their heart softens, their life begins to transform at the renewing of their mind in Christ.
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. ~ Luke 12:7 KJB
If God knows the number of hairs on our head it would make sense that He knows who we are, in His Kingdom, what we should be doing for His Kingdom and how we should acquire the resources, knowledge and everything necessary to perform at the highest level for His Kingdom. All we need do is seek, first, the Kingdom of God, ask, first, what His will is and knock, first, upon the door of the Kingdom of God in order to acquire a piece of the Wisdom of Christ.
Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.