‘God Knew Exactly What He Was Doing’: She Was Scheduled to Abort Her Baby When an Ultrasound Tech’s Simple Question Changed Everything

‘God Knew Exactly What He Was Doing’: She Was Scheduled to Abort Her Baby When an Ultrasound Tech’s Simple Question Changed Everything By  for Faith Wire

GNN Note – We have a friend that is just “coming to” and getting her feet on solid Rock escaping from addiction. She is pregnant and placing her child with a family that will provide for the new child. Praise God for clarity and for bringing His child to term to be raised in house filled with love. / END

“Do you want to hear the heartbeat?”

The ultrasound technician’s simple question changed everything for Andrea, an unwed teen who found herself pregnant, scared, and considering an abortion.

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“Wait, there’s a heartbeat?” Andrea asked, stunned at the prospect that the baby in her womb was anything but a mere clump of cells.

The 19-year-old, who had already scheduled her abortion for another day, then heard her baby’s heartbeat — and everything changed.

“It was like an instant, ‘Oh, this isn’t just flesh — you know, a clump of cells.’ … It made it very real for me,” Andrea told Live Action News.

She left the clinic that day and realized an abortion would be a mistake. She canceled her appointment and decided to have her baby. With the support of her parents and family, Andrea initially wanted to place her child up for adoption — but baby Olivia’s birth changed everything.

“There was just no way. [Seeing her] was pretty magical, it was just so special. I think that after giving birth, the underlying fear was that I wasn’t going to be a good mom,” Andrea told Live Action News. “The world kind of tells you that all these things need to be perfect — perfect spouse, perfect wedding, perfect finances.”

After hearing Olivia’s cries, though, she realized she was equipped and decided to raise her baby.

“She was the biggest blessing ever,” Andrea said of Olivia, who is now 24 and just had a baby of her own. “God knew exactly what He was doing.”

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