Format for Eleventh Step Guidance Meeting from Big Book Sponsorship
Suggestions and Guidelines
Eleventh Step Guidance Meetings are for “anyone or everyone interested in a spiritual way of life.” They are NOT Open Discussion meetings. We share only what we have written during a ten minute “quiet time.”
We are here to listen to the voice of the “One who has all power” to free us from our addictions; we are not here to talk about or feed our addictions.
“We advocate the use of a pencil and note-book so that we may record every God-given though and idea that comes to us during our time alone with Him (our Higher Power), that no detail, however small, my be lost to us and that we may not shirk the truth about ourselves or any problem when it comes to us.” (What is the Oxford Group?, p. 68)
If the “One who has all Power” is going to supply us with the “right answers,” wouldn’t it be a good idea to jot down thoughts, images, or feelings we receive so we can remember them?.
Procedure for “Listening”
- Be quiet and still.
- Relax.
- Listen.
- Write down the thoughts that come.
Test each thought using the Four Standards of Honesty, Purity, Unselfishness and Love to separate the God thoughts from the self-thoughts.
Share the guidance that you believe passes the “test” with the other members of the group.
We share what we have written to demonstrate that God does “disclose Himself to us” and because sometimes the guidance we receive isn’t for us but for someone else in the room.
Guidelines for the Guidance Meeting
- Please identify yourself by your first name only. Do not identify yourself in terms of any addiction or affliction.
- No cross talk.
- Do not critique or comment on anyone else’s guidance.
- If you haven’t written anything down or captured any thoughts on your fingertips, please “pass.”
The typical guidance meeting has 8-14 attendees. Because there is no time limit, the size of the group is important. The meeting ends when everyone has had the opportunity to share his or her guidance.
If the meeting consistently lasts more than an hour, you can split into two smaller groups to facilitate sharing.