Group Says This Biblical Prayer Is the Catalyst to Billion Soul Harvest by 2030 by Steve Rees for Charisma News
From Baptists to Pentecostals and everybody in between, people who believe the Lord Jesus wants to save at least one billion souls by 2030 also say the prayer for unity in John 17:23 is a key to breakthrough and harvest before the return of the Lord.
That is what is driving a diverse group of local, national and international believers to convene in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Four “greats”—unity, breakthrough, harvest and return—are inspiring national and global leaders, pastors, churches, ministries and believers from across America and the nations, including many from South Korea, to gather for a four-day summit of prayer, worship and missions-sharing in Colorado Springs, beginning July 12.
While Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Charismatics are united in their desire for the Billion Soul Harvest (BSH), four of the eight billion people on earth have yet to hear the gospel for the first time. About one in four—or a little more than two billion people—call themselves Christians.
The Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit (, July 12-15, is open to anybody stirred by Jesus’ vision of the fields ready for harvest (John 4:35). It seeks to unite believers around the goal by 2030. But more than a billion is fine, too, if Jesus tarries after 2033.
“The thing that’s unique about what we’re doing is that it doesn’t come from a particular denominational perspective or missions organizations. We’re bringing together leaders of global movements, prayer ministries, pastors and people,” says Dai Sup Han, the BSH summit coordinator and a national prayer ministry leader.
At least 100 prayer warriors from South Korea will join another 100 or so national Korean Americans and global leaders who will focus on another “great” biblical theme—Jesus’ commission in Matthew 28:18-20—at Rocky Mountain Calvary in Colorado Springs.
The honorary chairman, Dick Eastman of Every Home for Christ, will host the summit with prayer leader Lou Engle of The Call and The Send movements; Luis and Doris Bush of the 10/40 Window Movement; John Robb, championing unreached people groups; Hormoz Shariat of Iran Alive Ministries; Werner Nachtigal of the GO Movement; Austen Ukachi of the MANI Africa; Daniel Pandji of the World Prayer Assembly; and other global ministers.