What the Church Must Do Post Roe

What the Church Must Do Post Roe by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown

The overturning of Roe marks a massive, historic victory for the pro-life cause, and we should continue to thank God and rejoice. Yet this victory simply marks a new beginning in the battle for life, and in many ways, for the pro-life movement, our work has just begun. Where do we go from here?

First, we must remain vigilant in prayer, since the same prayer that brought about the overturning of Roe is the same prayer that will advance the cause of life throughout the nation. Now is not the time to let up (although it’s fine to take a brief respite to catch our corporate breath). Now is the time to be reenergized, recommitted, and redeployed.

Second, we must work in a holistic way in each state that has already passed (or is about to pass) pro-life legislation, working to ensure it is the best possible legislation. With Roe out of the way and with our goal being to eliminate elective abortions, why would we want a bill outlawing abortions after 15 weeks? Why set the bar so low?

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Third, we need to establish more pregnancy crisis centers in both pro-life and pro-abortion states. The former are essential because we want to offer compassionate and holistic alternatives for the women who will no longer be able to attain abortions in their state. Before they travel to get an abortion, let them have ample access to a pro-life center nearby.

In the pro-abortion states, these pregnancy crisis centers must play a key role, since people will be flocking to these states to terminate their pregnancies. We must do whatever we can to let them know that there are alternatives, that abortion is not their only choice (and certainly not their best choice), that there are people ready to help.

Fourth, we must step forward as the church to provide that help in every way possible. That means that, along with continuing to and pray and get the pro-life message out in front of abortion clinics, we must contribute financially to pro-life centers in our communities (including contributing to mothers and parents who choose to keep their babies), volunteer our services in these centers, and get involved in adoption or foster care or other aspects of practical help.

This is how the early church responded to the crisis of infanticide, not simply speaking out against it but also rescuing and raising the babies that they saved. (And note that, in doing so, they were breaking with prevailing custom and, in many cases, breaking the law.)

Fifth, we must continue to raise our voices and get our message out, seeking to change hearts and minds, both on a national and an interpersonal level. This is where the battle for life will be played out for years to come: on an individual level; across generational and ethnic and racial lines; through the school systems and the media and the courts.

This is also how the battle against slavery was won, not just by government fiat and not just by the agonizing losses of a bloody war. (The Civil War, to this day, remains the bloodiest war in our history – by far – in terms of American casualties.) Instead, it was also through the influence of books like Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin that hearts and minds were changed.

In the days to come, we will need a proliferation of books and movies (like Unplanned) and memes and personal testimonies and educational tools that will help change the nation’s thinking when it comes to abortion. And we will need more and more compassionate, eloquent, and compelling spokespeople for life to function as talking heads and pundits and video makers and article writers.

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