“Mass Chaos”: Six Dead After Gunman Opens Fire At Chicago Suburb 4th Of July Parade

“Mass Chaos”: Six Dead After Gunman Opens Fire At Chicago Suburb 4th Of July Parade BY TYLER DURDEN for Zero Hedge GNN Note – Believe what you wish. We expect more “mass shootings” over the coming months as the democrats are desperate to create any kind of distraction. It’s unfortunate so many people are going to die or be seriously injured because of evil running our country. / END Update (1605ET): The death toll has increased to 6, with 24 injured. Another shot from the Highland Park mass shooting. Hadn’t…


We Have Life In Christ…

We Have Life In Christ… What day did you rise to the Lord, our God, Jesus Christ? Was it the day the Lord rose and was resurrected? Was it the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day or was it another day? Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant,…


In 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation “predicted” the global food and energy crisis that is now unfolding

In 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation “predicted” the global food and energy crisis that is now unfolding by: Ethan Huff for Natural News The timing of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is highly suspicious considering it has become the catch-all scapegoat for pretty much every bad thing currently happening in the world, including the global food crisis. It turns out that the globalist Rockefeller Foundation has been talking about “resetting” the global food supply for years now, long before Vladimir Putin decided to initiate his “special operation” in Ukraine. Back on July 28,…


American Secession

American Secession by adam dick for Ron Paul Institute On Independence Day, many Americans think about, at least briefly, the American Revolution. One important thing they should consider in this reflection is that the American Revolution is misnamed. A more appropriate name would be the American Secession. And an appropriate question for now, when the power of the United States government and Americans’ dissatisfaction have become immense, is whether the time is right for another American Secession. The misnamed American revolutionaries were not seeking to replace the king or parliament in…


The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall Thanks for joining us on this Independence Day weekend when vacations, barbeques, fireworks, beer-drinking, and hot-dog-eating contests take precedence over reading about God in the Declaration of Independence. But undaunted, we forge ahead with a quote from Monticello.org(Thomas Jefferson’s home) calling the Declaration of Independence that he penned “America’s mission statement.” (A fine example of juxtaposing a modern management concept with a world-changing document.) The “mission statement” reflected beliefs that “motivated the Founders to create the first free people in modern times,” wrote…


Heart Full Of Praise (Video)

Heart Full Of Praise Video by Phil Wickham I was lost and could not see But You did not give up on me To save me from my guilt and shame You stepped into the world You made And on the cross of Calvary You gave Your life to set me free Forever I will sing Your Name Hands high heart full of praise The King of glory once enthroned Was laid to rest behind the stone But death would not have final say Jesus You rose from the grave…