‘Nuggets From Genesis’ Series We Visit The Patriarch Jacob And His Prophecy Of The ‘Last Days’ by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins
We visit with the patriarch Jacob in Genesis 49 as he lay dying, and listen in awe as the LORD through him prophesies to us of the biblical last days.
On the Bible study recently, we visited Genesis 24 where we saw the amazing connection between Eliazar meeting Rebekah at the well with a pitcher of water, and the mysterious man with the pitcher of water leading the disciples to the upper room for the Last Supper. Genesis is a huge book, and this was really just a tasty nugget for us to dive into and feast on. So with that in mind, tonight we start our multi-part series of gleaning more of these nuggets from Genesis as the Holy Spirit would lead us to uncover.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 (KJB)
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are visiting at the bedside of the patriarch Jacob, as listen in awe as he begins to prophecy of the coming ‘last days’ which are the time we find ourselves in right now! We will hear the blessing, and cursing, spoken by Jacob over his 12 children, and in there the LORD will give us a marvelous Old Testament prophecy of the coming KING OF KINGS made 1,680 years before He was to be born. Genesis 49 is an amazing chapter and one that directly connects us with the book of Revelation. Join us tonight for Part 2 of our ‘Nuggets from Genesis’ series here on the NTEB Rightly Dividing King James Bible Study starting at 9PM EST.