Prophecy: The Spirit of Delusion on America Will Come Crashing Down

Prophecy: The Spirit of Delusion on America Will Come Crashing Down by Jared Laskey for Charisma News

A lot has transpired in the last few weeks in America. With the reversal of Roe vs. Wade and the decisions on abortion reverting back to the states, many have mistaken abortion as a Constitutional right.

The Supreme Court’s ruling is a sign that God is breaking through no matter what! More landmark decisions are continuing from the Supreme Court that will anger political and spiritual powers, but they are righteous decrees. Christians should continue to stand on Scripture, pray and decree God’s truths for our nation.

Intercessors are rising up and praying in the Spirit with authority as crisis after crisis is headlined on most news outlets and political vitriol is constant on social media. However, the Lord sends His prophetic words to foretell what is coming. He always gives insight into what His Spirit is doing behind the scenes as He dispels darkness and raises up a pure bride.

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John Natale, a prophetic minister, recently heard from the Lord. He has been given mandates and directives from the Lord for America. On June 4, John released this prophetic word, saying, “Holy Spirit is about to do something very significant in the last stages of the second quarter. The spirit of delusion is being allowed to operate a little longer, then it will come crashing down. The enemy has nothing left to give. His plans have been compromised, eradicated and dissolved. What you see is the final performance of what has been watched and bridled for many seasons. Take notice of sudden pockets of My glory, as it manifests in specific parts of the nation and reveals angelic activity. Keep your eyes fixed on Florida, California and Nebraska. They have been prepared to reveal supernatural activity.”

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