‘They Have Hijacked the Bible and Jesus’: Al Sharpton, Joe Scarborough Say Abortion Not in the Bible, ‘Real Christians’ Should Be ‘Incensed’

‘They Have Hijacked the Bible and Jesus’: Al Sharpton, Joe Scarborough Say Abortion Not in the Bible, ‘Real Christians’ Should Be ‘Incensed’ By  for Faith Wire

GNN Note – Imagine two people, who’s job it is to spread propaganda, lies and misinformation, imagine them attempting to explain any aspect of Christianity, Jesus Christ or the Holy Bible. / END

MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Al Sharpton offered some curious commentary about abortion during Monday’s “Morning Joe,” with Sharpton proclaiming that “real Christians” should be “incensed” by the handling of abortion rights.

“Not only do Democrats need to aggressively go out there, real Christians that really study the Bible ought to be incensed,” Sharpton told Scarborough. “I’ve been a preacher since I was a little boy.”

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He continued, “I am incensed and insulted that they have hijacked the Bible and Jesus to distort and misquote … create quotes that are not there to justify a right-wing kind of ideology that would take away the rights of women and then scheduled to take other people’s rights.”

Scarborough, for his part, went on an impassioned diatribe about how people must understand his take on the “truth about what’s in the Bible and what’s not in the Bible.”

The MSNBC host said abortion is not mentioned in the Scriptures.

“It’s not mentioned in the New Testament, it’s not mentioned in the Gospels, it’s not mentioned by Jesus,” Scarborough said. “Not one time.”

Margaret Buckley, a writer for conservative media watchdog Newsbusters, pushed back on the idea abortion isn’t referenced in the Bible.

“Now, [Scarborough] is right when ‘abortion’ is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, but why would it be?” Buckley wrote. “The act of ending another innocent life is not just mentioned in Natural Law itself, but within God’s commandments! And there are passages giving reverence to life in the womb.”

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