When Major Companies Celebrate Gay Sex by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown
The title of this article is not clickbait. The contents of this article might be highly offensive, so be forewarned before you read. This is very disturbing stuff.
But before I share more with you, I’m going to say something very surprising.
One of the biggest reasons that LGBTQ+ activism has been so successful is because many of those who identify as gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender or queer are really nice people.
They are not the moral monsters we were told to expect.
They are not all obsessed with sex.
They are not child predators or molesters.
To the contrary, many of them are the man or woman next door. Or the couple whose kids play with your kids. Or your boss or employee. Or your teacher or student. Or your brother or sister. Or your child or parent. Or your longtime best friend.
Many of them, in many areas of their lives, are more moral than many of us who are straight.
What happens, then, when you hear Christian leaders warn you about the evil gay agenda and the evil LGBTQ+ community? You don’t reject your gay (or bi or trans or queer) friends or loved ones or neighbors. You reject the Christian leaders, along with their message.
Yet that is only one side of the story.
The fact that is that homosexuality (and everything else on this spectrum) is contrary to God’s order and design, contrary to His best plan for humanity.
And it is a biblical principle that everything reproduces after its own kind.
Oranges reproduce oranges (not apples), cats reproduce cats (not dogs), and so on.
In the same way, truth reproduces truth (not error) and love reproduces love (not hate).
But when it comes to sinful or deviant behavior, what it reproduces becomes worse and worse along the way.
Bitterness can lead to anger, then to rage, then to murder, then to self-destruction.
Sexual immorality can lead to every kind of sexual perversion to the point of being unimaginably dark.
When it comes to homosexuality (and everything else on that list), there’s a reason that gay activism quickly became gay and lesbian activism. Then bi. Then trans. Then queer. Then, you name it (almost literally).