THE BIG STORYRadical Pro-Abortion Group Jane’s Revenge Planning To Launch Acts Of Domestic Terrorism With The Full Approval Of Democrat Controlled Congress by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins
The radical pro-abortion group, Jane’s Revenge, is planning more acts of domestic terrorism when the U.S. Supreme Court’s abortion decision on Roe v. Wade is revealed, dubbed a “Night of Rage: An Autonomous Call to Action Against Patriarchal Supremacy.”
Does anyone find it ironic that the January 6th Select Committee is holding the entire nation hostage to discuss the events of domestic terrorism that took place one day over a 6-hour period, and yet, amazingly, have no interest in forming a committee to discuss events of domestic terrorism that happened for 6 full months that saw 20 people murdered and 2 women raped, with over by? Why aren’t they interested in obtaining ‘justice’ over that? For the same reason why, when pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge starts their acts of domestic terrorism when the Supreme Court announces their decision on Roe v. Wade, they won’t have any interest in bringing those people to justice, either.
“They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” John 16:2 (KJB)
But Jane’s Revenge is not the only pro-abortion domestic terror group out there, and should the Supremes rule against Roe v. Wade, you will hear the very howls of the Devil himself expressing his outrage. Very little of what is playing out now, and shortly in the future, has much to do with politics. This is spiritual, this is the world preparing itself to receive Antichrist, that’s what you are watching unfold before your very eyes right now. So just remember as you watch the January 6th circus, that when Jane’s Revenge starts destroying stuff, and they’re telling you right now they will, Congress will sit back, applaud their efforts, and protect them from prosecution. That’s how Democrats view justice.