Megachurch pastor says it’s ‘very unloving’ for Christians to affirm friends’ LGBT lifestyles

Megachurch pastor says it’s ‘very unloving’ for Christians to affirm friends’ LGBT lifestyles By Nicole Alcindor, CP Reporter for The Christian Post

GNN Note – If you have followed Gospel News Network for any length of time you know we post Pastor, Gary Hamrick on a very regular basis. It does our heart good to see that he reaffirms what we believed for a long time. People that can not be saved need to be told. It is the only right thing to do. Otherwise, you don’t love them. Repent and turn around is only way to change this situation. / END

A Virginia megachurch pastor recently tackled questions about how Christians should respond to LGBT activism in today’s society, stressing that Christians must “communicate truth in love” and not affirm their friends’ LGBT lifestyles.

Gary Hamrick, senior pastor of Cornerstone Chapel of Leesburg, took part in a question-and-answer session on June 8, where he answered a series of questions on a wide assortment of issues from illegal immigration to religious exemptions to vaccine mandates.

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During the discussion, one person asked how parents can guard their children against “the push for the acceptance of sexual fluidity in their generation and future peer groups.”

“It’s unavoidable. All you can do as parents [is] pray a lot for your kids. And it is OK to shelter them as best as you can,” Hamrick replied. “You do your best and you trust God to protect their hearts and their minds in Christ Jesus.”

Hamrick said parents will often expose their children to ideas of gender fluidity and sexuality too early because they are fearful their children will be too “sheltered” from “the real world.”

“You can shelter your kids as best as you can. And they’re still going to eventually have to come to grips with the evils of the world. But you don’t have to expose them at an early age. That’s what’s key,” Hamrick said. “When kids get exposed to things at an early age, that’s where it’s much more detrimental.”

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