It’s Going to Get Very Ugly in the Aftermath of Roe

It’s Going to Get Very Ugly in the Aftermath of Roe by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist or a prophet to know that, in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade, it’s going to get very ugly on the streets of America. As I tweeted, “The overturning of Roe v. Wade is revealing the real spirit behind abortion. It is murderous, violent, angry, and full of venom and hate. The attacks on churches and pro-life clinics are par for the course. Abortion has become a pseudo-religious rite; it was never a moral right.”

We know, of course, that not everyone involved in the abortion industry is dead set on evil. Think of the teenage girl who agonized over their decision to terminate her pregnancy, living with regret in the years that followed. But in the heat of the moment, she felt abortion was her only choice.

Or consider the parents wrestling with what to do with the report that their beloved, precious baby in the womb has a severe congenital defect, destined at best to live a few months or a year, and that in great agony. Is not abortion the merciful thing to do? Isn’t that better than watching your child die slowly in front of your eyes, dominating your time, taking you from your other kids, and destroying your finances?

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To repeat: not everyone involved in the abortion industry is dead set on evil.

But there are plenty who are, having felt the power of bloodlust or becoming gripped in the vice of greed.

As I wrote in June 2019, “The state of New York has now added insanity to bloodlust. Yes, the same state that makes it legal to abort a baby in the womb right until the moment of delivery has deemed it inhumane to declaw cats.”

It is only natural, then, that the overturning of Roe would release a spirit of violence and hatred and vandalism and intimidation.

It will be the spirit of Jezebel, by which I mean that the same demonic spirits that operated through this ancient queen will operate through many today. (For more on this, see my book, Jezebel’s War with America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide.)

It will be the spirit of radical, man-hating feminism, the spirit that inspired groups in the late 1960’s like W.I.T.C.H., the “Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell.”

It is the same spirit that is inspiring groups like Jane’s Revenge today.

Even the left-leaning Wikipedia describes Jane’s Revenge as “an American far-left terrorist group, which has perpetrated and threatened domestic terror attacks in the name of defending abortion rights. The group has committed acts of firebombing, vandalism, and arson.”

And who or what is this group is attacking?

Pregnancy crisis centers (meaning, places where women can go to find an alternative to abortion). Churches (yes, the evil churches!).

As reported on June 15, “According to LifeNews, as many as 59 cases of ‘pro-abortion violence and intimidation’ have been reported since the leak of the Supreme Court draft decision that aims to overturn Roe v. Wade. Catholic Vote has also documented as many as 23 cases of ‘attacks on pregnancy centers and pro-life groups’ in the same time frame.”

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