Florida Gov. DeSantis Wants CPS to Take Children Away from Parents Attending “Drag Shows” but Not from Parents Attempting to Murder Their Children with COVID-19 Shots

Florida Gov. DeSantis Wants CPS to Take Children Away from Parents Attending “Drag Shows” but Not from Parents Attempting to Murder Their Children with COVID-19 Shots by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News

Last week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis criticized a “family friendly” drag show held at a gay bar in Dallas, Texas.

“That is totally inappropriate,” said DeSantis. “That is not something children should be exposed to.”

And while most parents in the U.S. would probably agree with the Governor on this issue, it is what he said next that should concern every parent in America who values parental rights.

When asked by reporters whether he would support proposed legislation from a Florida state representative that would punish parents who take their children to such performances, the governor said he has asked his staff to look into the idea.

“We have child protective statutes on the books,” the governor said. “We have laws against child endangerment.”

“It used to be kids would be off-limits. Used to be everybody agreed with that,” DeSantis continued. “Now it just seems like there’s a concerted effort to be exposing kids more and more to things that are not age appropriate.” (Source.)

Threatening parents who do not conform with a politician’s view about what constitutes being a good parent or not by having their children kidnapped by the State and put into the nation’s lucrative child trafficking network called “foster care” by government “child protection” agents, is something everybody should be against, regardless of your political views.

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As we have documented numerous times over the past many years, putting children into the nation’s child trafficking network called “foster care” has disastrous and deadly results, as many of these children are raped and sexually abused in foster care, and nationwide studies have shown that children who are left with their biological families, even in troubled homes, fare much better than children forced to be separated from their families and put into the foster care system. See:

The U.S. Foster Care System: Modern Day Slavery and Child Trafficking

Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers

Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes – The Child Trafficking Business

Study: Children from Poor Parents, Even if they have a Drug Problem, do Worse if Put into Foster Care

When the state has the power to decide who is a good parent and who is not, who gets to define what a good “parent” is? And even if there is an accepted legal definition for a “good parent,” why punish the children for the crimes of their parents?

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