Disabled Canadian Woman Approved for Euthanasia, But Denied Health Care She Needs to Live

Disabled Canadian Woman Approved for Euthanasia, But Denied Health Care She Needs to Live by Alex Schadenberg for Life News

A report by Penny Daflos for CTV News Vancouver concerns a chronically ill woman in her 30’s who was approved for MAiD but who has been unable to obtain the medical treatment that she needs to live. “Kat” wants to live. Daflos writes that Kat had an easier time accessing death care than accessing health care. Daflos reported:

The chronically ill woman is in her late 30s and lives in the Lower Mainland, but given the sensitivity of the subject matter has asked us to refer to her by the pseudonym of “Kat.” She has applied to Fraser Health and been granted a request for MAID – even though she wants to live.

“I thought, ‘Goodness, I feel like I’m falling through the cracks so if I’m not able to access health care am I then able to access death care?’ And that’s what led me to look into MAID and I applied last year,”

Kat has been struggling to access health care. Danlos reported:

A decade ago she received a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a genetic disorder where the body doesn’t produce adequate collagen, essentially the glue that holds together connective tissues, skin and our internal organs, sometimes leading to complications and always resulting in significant pain.

As a result, Kat has been on opioids for years and says that’s interfered with finding a replacement for her family doctor, who moved away years ago. She’s been seeing nurse practitioners for several years, as well as a revolving door of rheumatologists, neurologists, psychiatrists and other specialist doctors, none of whom are experts in EDS.

Fraser Health, who are the same health authority that defunded the Delta Hospice Society and expropriated their buildings for refusing to participate in euthanasia, approved MAiD for Kat but is not working to obtain the medical care that she needs. Danlos reported:

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