The LGBTQIA+ Christian Church Now Has Their Own Queer Hymnal Called ‘Songs For The Holy Other’ That Makes God A Sinner And A Liar

The LGBTQIA+ Christian Church Now Has Their Own Queer Hymnal Called ‘Songs For The Holy Other’ That Makes God A Sinner And A Liar by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins

A queer affirming hymnal called ‘Songs For The Holy Other’ is helping LGBTQIA+ Christians keep the faith, but what faith exactly is that?

I want you to imagine for a moment a Christian church that, say, served alcohol to their members instead of coffee, what be wrong with that? It would be in violation of scriptures like Proverbs 20:1(KJB) that tells you drinking alcohol will deceive you and should be avoided at all costs. Imagine a Christian church that promoted violence, it would be in violation of scripture like Romans 12:18 (KJB) that tells us to live peaceably with all men, and allow God to have vengeance, not you. Now imagine a Christian church that took the music to beloved hymns and wrote new lyrics to promote the idea that God affirms the queer lifestyle in spite of the fact of scripture like Romans 1:21-32 (KJB) that absolutely condemns it. You would make God a sinner and a liar like you. The new hymnal ‘Songs For The Holy Other’ does exactly that.

“Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.” Romans 7:13 (KJB)

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When I read the Bible, I clearly see that God has provided salvation through His Son Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection for any and all people who desire to be saved. But part of what salvation is is acknowledging that you are a sinner who is against God by your very existence, and that you need to become born again as Jesus commands. There is no such thing as an LGBTQIA+ Christian Church because the Bible clearly declares that lifestyle to be 100% in opposition to God. Just read Genesis 19:1-17 (KJB) or Jude 1:7 (KJB) to see how God feels about the lifestyle of Sodom and Gomorrah. There is no ‘holy other’, God alone is holy, and if you want God you must be born again and start battling your sin, not embracing it.

‘Songs for the Holy Other’ was compiled by a committee of Hymn Society members representing seven denominations and a wide range of sexualities and gender identities.

FROM CNN: Jeannette Lindholm knows the feeling. The professor and hymn writer based in Salem, Massachusetts was raised in an evangelical Christian church, surrounded by music. “Hymns have a powerful influence on theology and how people understand and experience the divine,” she says. Except, her early years of faith were marred by a strong dissonance. To her hometown congregation, and even to her family, Lindholm’s sexuality was a sin in need of healing, an aberration to be tolerated at best. But Lindholm didn’t want to be tolerated. She wanted to be loved.

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