“Pride in the Park” LGBTQ event aimed at children seeks to perform “unBaptisms” in deep-red state

“Pride in the Park” LGBTQ event aimed at children seeks to perform “unBaptisms” in deep-red state by:   for Natural News

With each passing day, the left destroys more of our culture, while Americans too afraid to risk their own comfort simply turn their heads and look the other way.

To do so, the radical left has turned to the LGTBQ movement — essentially after creating it out of whole cloth just a few years ago — because most people are too afraid of being called a “bigot” to resist.

And yet, these creeps and weirdos are not limiting their cultural debasement to adults: They are now targeting our children, meaning, if we don’t fight back, by the time the current generation of kids become adults, our culture and traditions will have been destroyed forever.

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Case in point: Sickos organized a “Pride in the Park” event featuring drag queens and other aberrant behaviors to perform “unBaptisms” on children. But this wasn’t in deep-blue California; this took place in deep-red Idaho, according to a report by EnVolve.

The event was scheduled for Saturday in the city of Coeur d’Alene, and was falsely described as a “family friendly celebration of LGBTQ+ diversity” (there is nothing “family-friendly” about this kind of behavior).

The Satanic Temple was scheduled to be there, according to the North Idaho Pride Alliance website, in an attempt to brainwash, groom and recruit children.

“@TSTIdaho will be at Coeur D’Alene’s ‘Pride in the Park’ event next Saturday, June 11th from 10am-3pm!” tweeted one Satanist.

“We will have merchandise and performing unbaptisms for those interested! Just know, Satan loves you for you! Hail Satan!” the person added on Twitter.

As the Idaho Tribune’s Johnston Meadows reported, “Among the Satanists, there will be a plethora of LGBT speakers and performers, many of who[m] are drag queens.”

“Among the sponsors, there will be an Idaho HIV, STD & Hepatitis prevention and care booth, for children to learn about how gay people are at a much greater risk of contracting such diseases, due to their poor life choices,” he adds.

EnVolve notes further:

Members of Antifa are also planning to turn up to “protect” members of the LGBT community from protesters and anyone who might have a problem with their kids being around Satanists or drag queens.

Leftists get irate at conservatives for calling them “groomers” when they advocate exposing kids to drag queens, whose entire act is based on sexualized fetishes.

However, at least for the Satanists who will attend the event, they have openly stated their intention to groom children for membership.

The issue of using drag queens to groom children actually made national headlines recently, and not a moment too soon.

A gay bar in Dallas drew widespread criticism and condemnation for hosting a drag show for kids featuring large neon signage that read, “It’s Not Gonna Lick Itself.”

The “Drag the Kids to Pride” show at the Mr. Misster bar was advertised as a “family-friendly” version of the bar’s regular “Champagne Drag Brunch.” According to local outlet WFAA, during Saturday’s event, some drag performers danced with and took dollar bills from children.

“Do you want to hit the stage with the queens?” said a promotion for the event. “We have FIVE limited spots for young performers to take the stage solo, or with a queen of their choosing!”

On a high note, some Dallas residents gathered outside the club to protest what they correctly saw as a blatant attempt to groom children. And to that point, it’s not at all clear why any parent would be okay with taking their children to such an event.

“I live in this community,” a woman who gave her name as Daisy and was holding a sign that read, “Stop grooming children,” told WFAA. “I have for several years. I don’t believe that I should be seeing signs advertising for children to be dancing on stage with men in thongs and in inappropriate clothing and makeup.”

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