Globalists promote synthetic meat as they try to stop people from growing their own food

Globalists promote synthetic meat as they try to stop people from growing their own food By  for Food Science

Globalists are trying to stop people from growing their own food in an attempt to fully take over the food system, control their food intake and give them the sustenance they “need” to survive.

They’re not doing it in a post-apocalyptic starve-the-masses kind of way. Instead, they’re filling people with synthetic food and ingredients, such as faux meat made by the likes of “Beyond Meat” and “Impossible Foods.” Fake meat has even made its way into fast-food restaurants such as Burger King.

The global elites insist on replacing conventional farming and raising livestock with protein alternatives grown indoors that don’t actually contain animal flesh. While some people believe this to be healthy, the problem with this synthetic approach is that it is more chemical-focused.

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Food is now laden with different types of chemicals that are replacing actual meat or fish, allegedly to save the environment. However, if a shift to a vegan lifestyle were to help preserve the planet for future generations, doing a pivot to plant-based meals could be detrimental to human health.

There is also a common misconception that small-time farmers and entrepreneurs are spearheading the move to change people’s diets from vegetarianism and veganism, but the truth is that privately owned businesses are leading this shift.

The presence of hundreds of food brands simply gives the appearance of market competition, but in reality, the food industry is monopolized by a few dozen companies, including Vanguard, BlackRock, Kellogg’s and others.

State Street, BlackRock and Vanguard are also known to own shares of stock in Union Pacific, a railroad specialist that is responsible for transporting food and equipment for farming. They have reduced rail shipping by 20 percent, ultimately slowing the transportation of fertilizers to farms, which are needed to grow the crops.

In other words, there is clearly a push for a small group of corporate farmers headed by the likes of Bill Gates and big executives to scoop up farmlands, grow the crops necessary to survive and ultimately gain control.

The worst-case scenario involves a future in which multinational corporations control and own the ingredients that are for the masses to consume, combined with an outlawing of private farming on one’s land. At the moment, it is nearly impossible for a small farmer to compete with the low prices of corporate farmers, especially those that are backed by big corporations and billionaires like Gates.

When digging into mega-corporations, there are some shareholders from “old money” families in the United States and elsewhere. With generational health invested in these massive corporations, they can provide a small group of families with a significant amount of control over private industries, including the food supply and health and wellness of people. (Related: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reveals a globalist plan to undermine freedom through vaccine passports.)

This is why it is important that people now start growing their own organic food as much as possible and support their local organic farmers because these are the people they will be relying on in the coming years.

Comprehensive globalist takeover agenda

The globalist takeover agenda is now moving on food. And the takeover is going to be comprehensive.

It comes from every possible angle and covers every industry from biosecurity, finance, housing, healthcare, energy, transportation and of course, food. All the changes have one goal, and that’s to force compliance with the globalist agenda.

Investigative journalist Corey Lynn took a deep dive into the new food system, saying that it is geared to control people. Quoting former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Lynn wrote: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

With the globalists already controlling the majority of the money, they are now moving to convert the energy system into things that they are invested in. They are now taking drastic measures to control the food industry while running under the radar.

With a rash of fires suddenly destroying food processing, meat and fertilizer plants at a time when farmers are already hurting due to supply chain issues, a traceable food infrastructure system has already been built in multiple cities and is making its way across the globe. (Related: Bilderberg Group constructs continuity of government emergency plans amid economic upheavals caused by globalist policies.)

From the United States Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration approving lab-grown meat to Union Pacific mandating railroad shipping reductions by 20 percent, people only need to map some of the largest vertical farms to reveal that the crops and the grocery stores they are sold in various locations have billions being poured in by globalist investors and shareholders.

“It quickly becomes evident that this is the global plan to control all produce – ingredients that go into all food products,” Lynn said.

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