Whisteblower’s Lawyer: Pfizer Got Away With Vaccine Fraud Because Government Was Co-Conspirator

Whisteblower’s Lawyer: Pfizer Got Away With Vaccine Fraud Because Government Was Co-Conspirator By  for American Greatness

Pfizer has asked a U.S. court to throw out a whistleblower’s lawsuit on the basis that the company can’t be guilty of fraud, abuse, and protocol violations in its COVID Vaccine clinical trials because its contract with the U.S. government allowed them to skirt regulations and federal laws that typically apply to government contracts.

In other words, Pfizer was allegedly able to make false statements to the government, and lie about the safety and efficacy of its product,  “because the government was in on it with them!” according to Robert Barnes, the lead lawyer in the case.

The whistleblower, Brook Jackson, was the regional director for the Ventavia Research Group, the company that was conducting Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial in Texas in 2020.

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In September of 2020, Jackson emailed a complaint to the FDA, informing the agency of the company’s allegedly dangerous and shoddy research practices. The FDA took no action on her email, and Pfizer continued to use the company.

Ventavia fired her after she tried to expose the alleged fraud, abuse, and protocol violations she witnessed during the trials.

In January 2021, Jackson filed a False Claims Act lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Beaumont Division.

The case was placed under seal from January of 2021 to February of 2022, preventing Jackson from speaking publicly during the mass vaccine rollout. She told American Greatness that she decided to go public in September of 2021 anyway, and told her story to the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in September of 2021.

“The amount of guilt I felt … still feel about having to keep this from the public is a horrible, horrible feeling,” Jackson lamented.

She said that her attorneys from Berg and Androphy withdrew from the case after she decided to go public, leaving her without counsel. In an email obtained by American Greatness, one of the lawyers warned Jackson that if she broke the gag order, “the government will come after you.”

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