The Stunning Connection Between The Day Of Pentecost, The Pretribulation Rapture And The 7 Feasts Of The Lord

The Stunning Connection Between The Day Of Pentecost, The Pretribulation Rapture And The 7 Feasts Of The Lord by Geoffrey GriderĀ for Now The End Begins

We cannot know what year the Pretribulation catching away of the Church will take place, but we can know that it will happen likely in the Spring, and highly likely on or around Pentecost.

Today is the biblical day of Pentecost, the day in which the apostles met in the upper room and the Holy Spirit descended upon them at the commencement of the Jewish Church. It is also springtime, which the Song of Solomon says is when the likely season in which the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church will take place. All of this activity is taking place in the exact middle of the 7 Feasts of the Lord. Wow, thereā€™s a lot going on today, and weā€™re going to dive right into it.

ā€œAnd when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.ā€ Acts 2:1(KJB)

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On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at the springtime feast of Pentecost, the 4th of the 7 Feasts of the Lord, and the perfect springboard between the dispensation of the Church Age and the coming Kingdom Age. It starts with Passover, then Feast of Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, then in the Fall we have the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles. The feasts in the Spring are all associated with the Church, and the ones in the Fall connected to Israel. We cannot know what year the catching away of the Church will takes place, but we can know that it will happen likely in the Spring, and highly likely on or around Pentecost. Join us on this Rightly Dividing Bible Study as we dig into the Feasts of the Lord for their spectacular prophetic end times content.

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