Shocking Study: Why Don’t Most Adult US Christians Believe the Holy Spirit Is Real?

Shocking Study: Why Don’t Most Adult US Christians Believe the Holy Spirit Is Real? FIREBRAND UNITED via Charisma News

GNN Note – To be 100% clear – we at Gospel News Network, not only believe in the Holy Spirit we rely heavily upon His Comfort and Counsel in our everyday lives. We go to Him in prayer multiple times daily, and seek Counsel from the greatest gift given to humanity by Jesus Christ, even as these words are written. Not even sure how someone could claim to follow or believe in Jesus Christ while disregarding the Holy Spirit. The apostasy is real. / END

A disconnect between the Word of God and what’s presented in many American churches can cause Christians of all ages to struggle with their faith, according to author Sallie Dawkins.

Published by Firebrand United, Dawkins’ newest book, Spirit World Truths from God’s Word, is a compilation of over 600 scriptures designed as a resource for Christians curious to know what God says about His Holy Spirit, man’s spirit, demonic spirits and spiritual warfare.

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According to an American Worldview Inventory survey published in February 2021 by Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center, most adult U.S. Christians don’t believe the Holy Spirit is real.

A majority of the 2,000 Americans surveyed identified as Christians, saying they believe God is all-powerful, all-knowing and the Creator of the universe. Still, more than half rejected the existence of the Holy Spirit.

Dawkins believes this view is contrary to overwhelming biblical evidence. “God Himself teaches us by His Word and Spirit,” she emphasizes. “In 2015, God taught me to confront assumptions, doubts and lies with the truth of His Word.”

This heart encounter with God challenged her entire belief system and rapidly transformed her life. She believes cultivating a deeper relationship with God brought victory over decades-long chronic pain. It’s what launched her into ministry as a Christian healing evangelist.

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