Seek #JesusChrist, First…
We do everything we can to avoid what we should do first. We should seek Jesus Christ, first. We should call upon Him, first. We should look to His guidance, first. We should ask Him, first.
Maybe if we began seeking, asking, searching, reaching for and chasing after Jesus Christ, first, maybe, just maybe our pain would subside, our strength would increase, our liberty would be realized, our heart would be filled with joy and our sadness would evaporate. Not saying that it will, just saying that the odds of any and all the items listed, along with a million more, would be forever changed, are really high. Each item, along with a million more, would grow more positive and the negative would begin to dissipate.
Jesus Christ is all we have. If you don’t believe that, lay down your life for something, anything, and see what happens. Lay down your life for your child, your wife, your parents and watch how Jesus glorifies you. Watch and see how Jesus steps into the fold of our lives when we humbly seek Him first, especially, when defending one of His children.
Once we stray and turn away from our Lord and Savior the path becomes rocky, stained with sin of all kinds and far harder to traverse. It is in the turning back to Jesus that our path smooths over, we breathe easier and Light begins to illuminate our steps. We see more clearly, we hear what is said and feel what others are experiencing. It is no longer about us, it is about Jesus and other people, God’s children, that become important.