Prophets: What God Is Saying About America Right Now by JARED LASKEY for Charisma News
What is God saying for America? Most of us want to know what the Holy Spirit is doing, as it seems the darkness over our nation is getting worse.
God speaks to all of us and through prophets who discern times and seasons. Elizabeth Tiam-Fook of International Young Prophets recently published a broadcast to help answer this question, giving hope in troubling times. The following words were paraphrased by me, but you can watch and listen to these prophetic words for yourself to understand the full context.
Elizabeth said, “These are important topics for the days ahead.” She continued, saying she’d heard about food shortages. “God always prepares the prophets, but He gives them insights to prepare us for what He is going to do. People tend to jump into fear, but that’s not how God does things. He wants us to operate in faith.”
Prophetic reformer Amanda Shiflett said, “Since 2016 the Lord has been telling me, ‘It will be the best of times and the worst of times.’ And in June 2018 the Lord released me to speak these words, so I began. He said there will be an increase in natural disasters and some of them will be extreme, unprecedented and historic. Last year He said there will be food shortages and you must prepare for that.
“But we don’t prepare in fear; it’s actually going to be a time of great faith for God’s people to know that regardless of what we go through, God is with us and will lead His people as long as we are trusting Him to do that. There will be miracles and lots of amazing things for the best of times. People are to be led by the Spirit to prepare because things will be different in the various parts of the country. Those who are prepared will be used to also evangelize as they help others during the worst of times. And the Lord will multiply food for you to share with others.”
Writer and speaker Seth Dahl said, “Families should make sure they are in the river of the Holy Spirit with a clear understanding of what the gospel actually is. Our kids must understand what the cross really did and know what covenant we live under. They need to understand the presence of the Holy Spirit. And it was through a kid bringing two fish and five loaves of bread that Jesus multiplied food. As a church we must be aware of what kids bring for the church. We are to also make sure our kids understand serving the people around you. We are to be dependent on God’s government and allow kids to give what they have as God uses them in the days ahead to help turn countries back to the Lord.”