They’ve officially forbidden the practice of medicine in Ontario, Canada

They’ve officially forbidden the practice of medicine in Ontario, Canada by Steve Kirsch – SubStack

Any doctor in Ontario, Canada who doesn’t toe the line will have their license revoked. Masks work, vaccines are safe, and ivermectin and HCQ don’t work. We’re next.

Executive Summary

They are adopting authoritarian medicine in Ontario, Canada by requiring physicians to either follow authoritarian guidelines which are not science based, or have their license to practice medicine revoked.

If you live in Canada, please contact the members of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of OntarioCollege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and let them know what you think of their actions.

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If you live in California, which is about to go the same way, please donate NOW to the campaigns of Michael Huang and Brian Tyson.


Dr. Ira Bernstein who practices medicine in Ontario, Canada is about to have his license to practice medicine revoked soon. Currently he is required by the authorities to operate under the following restrictions:

  • Dr. Bernstein will not provide medical exemptions in relation to vaccines for COVID-19;
  • Dr. Bernstein will not provide medical exemptions in relation to mask requirements for COVID-19;
  • Dr. Bernstein will not provide medical exemptions in relation to diagnostic testing for COVID-19; and
  • Dr. Bernstein will not prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.

Furthermore, Dr. Bernstein is now required to post a sign in his waiting room that says this:

Dr. Bernstein must not provide medical exemptions in relation to vaccines, mask requirements or diagnostic testing for COVID-19. Dr. Bernstein must not prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. Further information may be found on the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario website at

What was his crime?

None of his patients complained. None of his patients were hospitalized or died from COVID. Nobody was harmed.

What was his crime? He didn’t toe the line and treat COVID patients like the College thinks they should be treated.

The message to physicians in Canada is clear: you either treat COVID patients using methods approved by the medical authorities or they’ll take away your livelihood for the rest of your life.

If this type of authoritarian medicine can happen in Canada, it can happen everywhere else in the world. No Canadian physicians are coming to Dr. Bernstein’s defense publicly because doing so would jeopardize their license.

Who is behind this? The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. They are listed here. I’m sure they are all proud of their actions because the President wrote this (emphasis mine):

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