The Collapse of the Global Food System – Massive Starvation and Death Worldwide is now Imminent Comments by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
Sam Parker of Behind the News has just published an excellent commentary of the imminent, intentional collapse of the Global Food System.
As I have previously written in other articles we have published by Sam Parker, this individual obviously has access to very high level intelligence sources, and he publishes information that I have found nowhere else.
A year ago he published the best historical account of the main families in the Global Food Cartel that controls the world’s financial systems, that I have ever read. If you have not read it yet, you should.
Unmasking The Global Food Cartel: Is Massive Starvation and Population Reduction Their Next Move?
Today he updates this information to explain world events like the war in Ukraine with information you are not likely to read elsewhere.
In short, Sam Parker believes that the Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires are about to collapse, and they are hastening their own destruction by their current actions and policies, particularly in Ukraine.
If you do not have the ability to divorce yourself from the propaganda in the western corporate media right now, your life is in grave danger, because you probably have no clue regarding what is about to happen.
He writes:
“The Strategic Triangle “- India, China, Russia – these nations combined have 38 % of the world’s population, produce 42% of its wheat and 66% of its steel.
The point is, that these nations are PRODUCING goods, which many western nations have out-sourced, to their detriment. Besides, nature has endowed Russia with an abundance of natural resources in oil, gas, gold, silver, platinum, iron ore, coal diamonds, timber, fresh water, millions of agricultural land, and much, much more.
Russian commodities are in demand. To ban them from global markets means killing off the Western economies. What Covid did not achieve for the Rockefeller family, sanctions on Russian goods will. This is their hope. Good luck with that.
The funny part in this is that the two families shut down the world economy for two years, in the hope of accelerating their plans to herd mankind into an electronic prison camp, steal their money, and usher forth a new global slave state.
Putin’s bold move into Ukraine has upended their plans, and also threatens the very survival of the empires.
Reason seems to have deserted them. The ongoing sanctions and financial war against Russia, China and Iran has had a blow-back effect on the West. Russia is becoming stronger by the week, and the West is becoming weaker by the week.
It may reach a critical point – and go nuclear.