One Day After Biden Announces Plans To Send Missiles To Ukraine, Russia Begins Holding Drills For Their Nuclear Forces As Showdown Draws Ever Closer

One Day After Biden Announces Plans To Send Missiles To Ukraine, Russia Begins Holding Drills For Their Nuclear Forces As Showdown Draws Ever Closer by Geoffrey GriderĀ for Now The End Begins

GNN Note – Remember, President Putin has stated on more than one occasion that if he believes the U.S. is attacking Russia – either through proxy in the U.N. or a direct assault – he will bomb the United States with nuclear bombs. Putin has stated the U.S. will not be left alone. Russia has operational hypersonic weapons that can reach Washington DC in under 45 minutes. / END

The nuclear drills in Russia come after Biden published anĀ op-ed in the New York TimesĀ Tuesday in which he announced that his administration will send anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and precision rocket systems to Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin very much wants the United States to enter into the conflict, and pretend president Joe Bidenā€™s latest blunder edges us closer to that scenario becoming reality. Having giving Ukraine $53 billion dollars without hardly any oversight, now the Biden administration has announced they will be arming Ukraine with an advanced missile system. Putinā€™s response? Massive nuclear drills.

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ā€œThat we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.ā€ 1 Samuel 8:20 (KJB)

The New World Order is certainly getting their moneyā€™s worth with Trojan horse Joe Biden, who seems to be rubber stamping everything they are telling him to do. When that ā€˜Red Waveā€™ finally comes in November, with gas prices right now nearly $5.00 in Florida, the Midterms seem a really long ways off. Will there be anything left of America to salvage when the Republicans take over?

Russia holding nuclear drills after Biden sends rockets to Ukraine

FROM THE NY POST: Russiaā€™s nuclear forces are holding drills northeast of Moscow Wednesday, a day after President Biden announcedĀ plans to send advanced missilesĀ to Ukraine. Some 1,000 Russian soldiers are taking part in intense maneuvers using more than 100 vehicles, including Yars intercontinental missile launchers, Russiaā€™s independent news agency Interfax reported, citing the countryā€™s Ministry of Defense.

The drills are taking place in the Ivanovo Oblast, about 160 miles northeast of Moscow. The drills, which are aimed at preparing the missile systems for combat, required the troops to march more than 60 miles, camouflage the equipment and post guards,Ā according to Russian news site

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