Monkeypox Connection To COVID Shots / WHO Global Power Grab!

Monkeypox Connection To COVID Shots / WHO Global Power Grab! By Neenah Payne for Natural Blaze

Just as we’ve begun to relax after two years of fear-mongering over COVID and are looking forward to the summer, we are threatened with another “pandemic” — as eerily predicted by Bill and Melinda Gates in 2020.

BILL AND MELINDA GATES ANNOUNCE NEXT PANDEMIC WILL GET ATTENTION THIS TIME (video) shows the unbridled glee that Bill and Melinda Gates expressed as they promised in 2020 there would be another “pandemic”. They smirk as Gates says, “That will get attention this time!

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Gates’ Prediction: Right on Time

And here it is — right on time. Now we are threatened with a monkeypox “pandemic” just as the World Health Organization goes for an unprecedented power grab to rule the world with a rushed treaty which would give Gates even more global control. The chart below shows that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the second largest funder of the WHO. However, Gates’ GAVI Alliance is the fifth largest funder — giving Gates a huge role in directing the WHO agenda — especially with a complicit Biden administration.

Monkeypox “Pandemic” Supports WHO’s Power Grab

DEFUND the W.H.O. ??? discusses the attempt by the WHO to rule nations through the International Health Regulations (I.H.R.), and the Global Pandemic Treaty.

How To Stop The Global Pandemic Treaty Now
The WHO is Taking Over the United States of America Next Week
Dozens of Governments Commit to Signing WHO Pandemic Treaty
Monkeypox: Technocracy’s Next Wave Of Crimes Against Humanity
Monkey(pox) Business As Usual — “New World Next Week” with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato

The shocking must-see video below points out that monkeypox is showing up now in people who got the Astrazenica and Johnson & Johnson COVID shots! It explains that those shots are virus vectors which inject the genome of a chimpanzee into cells and orders them to replicate. The virus used in those shots causes smallpox! The video explains that the sudden outbreak of hepatitis in kids is also linked to the Astrazenica and Johnson & Johnson COVID shots! It points out that these new threats are coming up just as the World Health Organization is trying to assume global control of national governments. This is World War III — the globalists against humanity!

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