Hear The Word Of God, And Keep It…

Hear The Word Of God, And Keep It…

Over the past couple of months morning has come early and then later than usual. Arising from bed, still sleeping, a chair awaits. In the chair prayer time. Prayer time with praise. Rest a little longer, arise to greet the day.

We cry out to our Lord, Jesus Christ, to help us through the pain, to guide us through the mire and place our feet upon solid rock. A life in quicksand doesn’t last long.

I cried with my whole heart;
hear me, O LORD: I will keep Your statutes.
I cried unto You;
save me, and I shall keep Your testimonies.
I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried:
I hoped in Your word. ~ Psalm 119:145-147 KJB

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It is not our statues that kept us from driving in the ditch, but His that shined the Light of Truth on the past we were traveling. The Light of the Lord compelled us to try another path, to drive in another direction and move our lives off the highway to hell and walk the stairway to heaven. Our hope is in the Lord. Our testimony is not our own, but rather His testimony of our salvation. We did not drag ourselves out of the fire, He reached in and lifted us high above the flames.

When we stop crying out to the Lord, our life takes a turn for the worse. We are incapable of guiding our life along a narrow path. We are in capable of having Liberty in our soul without redemption, without salvation and the atonement of Jesus Christ. We can live however we see fit, but at the end of the day when all is done, will there be Light or will there be darkness? Will we be sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ for all our days or will we continue to wander in the wilderness, lost forever? It’s a simple choice.

But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. ~ Luke 11:28 KJB

We should, many times, cry out in this day and all the days to come. Our Lord is waiting to hear our cries.

Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

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