‘Harbingers of Things to Come’: Jonathan Cahn Film Explores Ancient Mysteries, Prophetic Warnings for US

‘Harbingers of Things to Come’: Jonathan Cahn Film Explores Ancient Mysteries, Prophetic Warnings for US Written by Angell Vasko for CBN News

In 2011, Jonathan Cahn’s first book The Harbinger exploded onto the world scene. Now, more than 10 years later, “The Harbingers of Things to Come” has been turned into a hard-hitting documentary loaded with warnings for America.

Fathom Events reports that nearly 100,000 people saw “The Harbingers of Things to Come” during its limited theatrical release over two nights around the nation last week. It’s a prophetic film that reveals a mystery that is determining America’s future — and yours.

In The Harbinger, Cahn revealed an ancient mystery behind everything from 9/11 to the economy, to the housing boom, to the war in Iraq, to the 2008 crisis on Wall Street. God used The Harbinger to send a prophetic message on which America’s future hangs.

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But that wasn’t the end. Since The Harbinger came out, what the book foreshadowed has been coming true. So in early 2020, Cahn began to write the long-awaited sequel, The Harbinger II: The Return, and soon after, COVID-19 began to paralyze America.

The shaking of which he had warned in The Harbinger had begun. And now, the documentary not only tells the mystery of The Harbinger, but it also shows it to you. And finally, at the end of his new film, Cahn opens up for the first time to reveal a prophetic mystery he’s been unable to reveal for over 20 years.

The Harbingers of Things to Come was in theatres across America on May 12th and 19th. Now it’s airing in churches and organizations nationwide through ticketed events through June 13, 2022.


The Harbinger revealed nine signs that appeared in the last days of ancient Israel, which are now reappearing on American soil. These harbingers are not the end of judgment but the beginning of judgment. This biblical template of national judgment begins with the lifting of the nation’s hedge of protection. An enemy makes a strike on the land. It’s a wake-up call to return to God.

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