Francis Chan Hits Back at Infamous ‘My Body, My Choice’ Slogan With Powerful Biblical Truth: ‘Nothing Is Yours’ By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire
“My body, my choice” doesn’t make sense.
Why is there 2 heartbeats and a amniotic sac separating the baby?
Ending the growth of a “clump of cells” is knowingly ending a life, and is murder.You can’t demand respect for your body while trying to kill what it was designed to do.
— Pariah (@Pariah_in_Exile) May 27, 2022
Author and popular pastor Francis Chan recently hit back at the pro-choice mantra “my body, my choice,” urging people to pause and consider that “nothing is yours” and the Lord created everything.
Chan, 54, referenced several Scriptures and biblical stories during his time on stage at THE SEND, a Christian event held earlier this month in Kansas City, Missouri, as The Christian Post reported.
Among those Scriptures was Isaiah 66:2, which reads: “All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the Lord. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.”
The message in this Scripture centers on the Lord being the creator of all things. This fact, the verse notes, should cause human beings — as part of the Lord’s creation — to live with humility and reverence toward God.
Chan seized upon this lesson (watch here) and other biblical sentiments to make his point on the standard “my body, my choice” abortion slogan, among other biblical truths.
“For any of us who think that we can come into the presence of God and say, ‘God, why did you make me this way? Why did I go through this? This is my body, my choice,’” Chan said. “God says: ‘No, wait a second. No. Nothing is yours. I spoke this world into existence.’ The world is the Lord’s and everything in it. It’s all made by Him. And He doesn’t owe me an explanation.”
The preacher, who also relied heavily on the Old Testament book of Job in making these proclamations, spoke about Christians who are willing to share the truth, even when it’s challenging to do so or causes problems.