Conditions “worse” than Arab Spring coming to a city near you, warns UN food head amid worsening inflation

Conditions “worse” than Arab Spring coming to a city near you, warns UN food head amid worsening inflation by:  for Natural News

The food security issues that the world currently faces are “worse” than what was seen during the Arab Spring uprising more than a decade ago, says David Beasley, executive director of the United Nations World Food Program.

Speaking at the recent World Economic Forum (WEF) gathering in Davos, Switzerland, Beasley explained that things were already getting bad even before the Ukraine crisis, but that the situation has since escalated to become the “worst humanitarian crisis since World War II.”

“Just when you think the world food crisis couldn’t get any worse well over a year ago, you had Ethiopia and Afghanistan, and then the breadbasket of the world [Ukraine] – just got the longest breadlines of the world – and so now because of this crisis, we’re taking food from the hungry to give to the starving,” Beasley told the audience.

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“What happens when you take a nation [Ukraine] that normally feeds 400 million people and sideline that … it’s devastating to global food security.”

A Food and Agriculture Organization chart shows that global food prices at the peak of the 2011 Arab Spring incident were much lower than they currently are. The situation right now, says Beasley, is “actually worse” than what they were then, and is only getting increasingly worse with each passing day.

In Sri Lanka, for instance, protests have erupted over food and fuel shortages, which threaten to bankrupt the country. A similar breakdown of the social and economic order is also being seen in Indonesia, Peru and Pakistan, which Beasley says is “only a sign of things to come.”

“(There are) 49 million people in 43 countries … and those are the countries that we need to be extremely concerned about because that will result in famine, destabilization, and mass migration – if we don’t get ahead of this,” Beasley warned.

A video clip from Beasley’s Twitter account can be viewed below:

Rockefeller Foundation says six months remain before a “massive, immediate food crisis” unfolds across the entire world

Just last month, the Rockefeller Foundation, another globalist good ol’ boys club similar to the WEF, warned that a global food calamity of biblical proportions will arrive no later than six months from now – or about five months from now since a month has already passed.

The Rockefeller Foundation described what is soon to unfold as a “massive, immediate food crisis” that will strike the entire world, leaving no country untouched.

Almost like a series of alarm clocks, all of the major globalist groups are shouting in tandem that the world is about to fall. And it would seem as though the whole thing is being engineered this way to happen on purpose – a controlled demolition, if you will, of the current (old) world order.

“Not sure what Ukraine has to do with the price of a dozen eggs going from $1.19 to $3.29 in the USA,” wrote one commenter at Zero Hedge, poking holes in the tale we are all being told.

“Without a doubt, a major population reduction is underway,” wrote another.

“When the WEF says they’re coming together to help what they really mean is we’re looking at every angle to fully exploit humanity and profit handsomely at the same time,” said someone else about how the WEF cannot be trusted.

Many others, seeing the clear writing on the wall, wrote similar quips about how this is an obvious Great Reset agenda at play, and that many people will suffer and die because of it.

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