This Woman Wasn’t Senile; She Was Demonized by JENNIFER EIVAZĀ for Charisma News
I was working part-time at a small but well-maintained nursing and rehabilitation home during my first year at Modesto Junior College in Modesto, California. It was an administrative position that paid minimum wage for minimal hours and without much responsibility.
In other words, it was a gloriously low-stress job and perfectly suited for college life. My sole responsibilities were answering the phone and keeping an eye on this and only on the occasional weekend.
Regardless, I was able to interact with some of their patients and was prompted by the Holy Spirit to reach out to one elderly woman in particular. I felt compelled to invite her to consider a relationship with Jesus.
I was a very new Christian, yet I could identify the voice of God speaking to my heart and mind quite often. His loving voice came to me concerning her as a clear prompting within my heart, but an urgent one. Immediately I began to pray in my prayer language and then drove the short 15 minutes to the facility from my home.
I found her easily enough, as she typically sat facing a window in her wheelchair, always bent over in an arch and never fully able to straighten herself up. I approached her as politely as I knew how and then shared with her about the love of Jesus and the power of His forgiveness. At the same time, I mistakenly believed she was ready to receive my words and did not anticipate what happened next.
Instead of her being receptive, almost instantly an ugly stream of blasphemies and curses spilled out her mouth. She continued to make abominably vile and foul statements about Jesus until I gave up and walked out of the facility in both shock and embarrassment.