Joe Biden And The Bill Gates-Funded World Health Organization Issues ‘Urgent Warning – Fear-Porn’ That Monkeypox Is Accelerating

Joe Biden And The Bill Gates-Funded World Health Organization Issues ‘Urgent Warning – Fear-Porn’ That Monkeypox Is Accelerating by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins

The World Health Organization, also funded by Bill Gates to the tune of $4,100,000,000.00, is now warning that monkeypox ‘could accelerate this summer’, and my gut feeling tells me they’re probably right.

Here we are on Day 798 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, and it’s cold and flu, COVID, blood clotmonkeypox season, so says every news outlet in the western hemisphere. Unlike its sister virus COVID, monkeypox requires a 21-day isolation, not a mere 10-14 days of the previous protocol. As the outbreak explodes across Europe, doctors are warning new infections of the disease are being detected on a daily basis and will rise significantly. Does Bill Gates have a vaccine to save the world from monkeypox? Let’s find out.

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJB)

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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, are you starting to get the feeling that the New World Order has a seemingly endless array of crises and calamities all lined up like airplanes on a runway, and just releasing them one after the other? You should have that feeling because that’s exactly what it feels like to me. I’m sure it’s unrelated, but the other day Bill Gates released a video showing a totally staged visit to a massive vaccine warehouse facility in Abu Dhabi, the same place, mind you, as the birth of Chrislam and the soon-to-be-opened Abrahamic Family House in the fall. The World Health Organization, also funded by Bill Gates to the tune of $4,100,000,000.00, is now warning that monkeypox ‘could accelerate this summer’, and my gut feeling tells me their probably right. But one thing’s for sure, when they release the new vaccine, I won’t be taking that one, either.

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